Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Faith. A noun, meaning complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Putting all your trust into someone or something could possibly be one of the hardest thing anyone ever does, because as humans it is our nature to want full control on our lives. After all it is OUR life, right? And there maybe reasons from your past that makes you hesitant to trust again.

But my biggest lesion through this certain time in my life was that exact thing- FAITH AND TRUST. I needed to be able to put all my trust in God and believe with all my heart that he would answer our prayers. Trust that even if he didn't answer them how we thought they should be, that he would come through in a different way. Through comfort and promise of peace.

There's a story from Matthew 14 that I think really goes along with Emma's accident, when Jesus walks on water. If you are unfamiliar with this story here is a summary.

Jesus made the disciples get on a boat and go on without him. And shortly before dawn Jesus decided to join them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him the became afraid and thought he was a ghost. Then Jesus called out to them, "Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid." Peter wanted Jesus to prove it was truly him by asking Peter to join him on the water. So Jesus did just that and so did Peter. As Peter walked towards him he noticed the wind and became afraid and then started to sink. Peter cried out "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "Why did you doubt?" Then they got in the boat and worshiped him. 

In this story it shows what faith can do and even if you fail to have faith Jesus will still save you. Even though Peter doubt Jesus and started to sink, Jesus did not hesitate to save him from drowning. I feel this story compares to Emma's accident in these 5 ways:

1.) Jesus sent us on our own, like he did with the disciples on the boat, but never expected us to do everything on our own. he just wanted to show us that we need him, to prove our faith.

2.) Next, the wind. I see Emma's accident as the wind that Peter feared. It caused us fear and became a test of our faith and trust in Jesus.

3.) But Jesus came back to us even though there were times we doubted in him. We wanted proof of Him and wondered why we should put all our faith in him. Emma was hanging on for her life and we had no answers. That's all we wanted was answers, signs, anything. 

4.) So we then joined Him on the water, wanting so badly to put our trust into. We never stopped praying and fighting, but there seemed to still be this doubt and fear that was there sourrounded us. Just as Peter when he saw the wind. We began to sink, pleaing and crying out for Jesus to help us and to save Emma. 

5.) Finally, even though we doubted him, he saved us and brough us back to the surface. He healed Emma slowly over time and we still continue to see him healing her daily. So we continue to worship and keep faith in him, because he truly is the son of God! 

Has there ever been a time in your life in which you have doubted Him and Lost your faith? 

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody, is to trust them." -Ernest Hemingway